ADA Inspections Nationwide, LLC

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ADA Done Right at Fort Lauderdale Beach Hotel Disabled Parking- 1/12/2020

Look at the photo below. This is a good example of the Americans with Disabilities Act done right and better than required.

ADA Parking at Beach Hotel in Fort Lauderdale, FL

This is beach hotel parking area for disabled parking in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Notice the fundamental design of these spaces where the blue markings are clear, signs are posted high on the end of the spaces, a clearly marked shared aisle is installed between the two vehicle spaces and leading into the hotel where a detectable marking is observed in the bottom of the photo. All very nice. But what can you see that is extra? How about those traffic cones? Don’t they look good! They are clearly visible from a distance and painted in the blue and white of typical disability installations. This is excellent! And the cones are a friendly reminder for drivers who are not disabled to not use these parking spaces. Now, the cones should not be on the aisle because they encroach on the clear width of the aisle, but, the concierge is close by and can quickly relocate the cones when needed. A closeup of the cones is shown below.

Fort Lauderdale Hotel ADA Parking Cones

This is also a great example of doing more, or better, than the minimum requirements of the ADA Standards. Traffic cones are not required by the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, but the 2010 Standards do not prevent a facility owner or tenant from exceeding the standards. In fact there are many examples of how to do the ADA right (or better) in Fort Lauderdale near the beach and this hotel. Congratulations on a job well done!

If you observe a building, stadium, or beach access that is not ADA compliant and you would like to know how to proceed, please see the link at What To Do When A Building Is Not ADA Compliant or Accessible.

ADA Inspections Nationwide, LLC, offers ADA/ABA/FHA accessibility compliance inspections for buildings and facilities, as applicable to the different laws, and expert witness services with respect to ADA/ABA/FHA laws for building owners, tenants and managers. Also, ADAIN offers consulting for home modifications as a CAPS consultant for people wishing to age in place in their homes. For a complete list of services please see ADAIN Services.

Thank you.