ADA Inspections Nationwide, LLC, (ADAIN) offers expert witness services for plaintiffs and defendants in disputes regarding Title II and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA), or Fair Housing Act (FHA). ADAIN can also provide services as an independent mediator in ADA disputes regarding Title II and Title III. For a copy of Richard’s resume please see Richard Acree.
Examples of cases in which Richard was contracted as an expert:
Plaintiff support for an ADA lawsuit against a private art college regarding inaccessible doors. Expert witness services required a building inspection and report responding to the complaint. Result was a settlement in favor of the plaintiff.
Defendant support for an ADA lawsuit by a serial lawsuit plaintiff regarding parking and restroom access at a grocery store. Expert witness services required a building inspection and report responding to the complaint and Plaintiff’s expert witness report, then a follow-up response to Plaintiff’s expert witness second comment. Results are pending.
Defendant support for an ADA lawsuit by a serial lawsuit plaintiff regarding counters and restroom access in a commercial lighting establishment. Expeert witness services required a building inspection and report responding to the complaint and Plaintiff’s expert witness report, then a follow-up response to Plaintiff’s expert witness second comment. Results are pending.
Employer support for an ADA complaint by an employee regarding access in an office building. Employer was a tenant in the leased office building. Service involved a building inspection and report responding to the employee complaint, guidance offered on improving ADA accessibility, and a report that could be forwarded to the owner of the building for repairs and alterations. Results are pending.
Co-Defendant support in a lawsuit regarding Fair Housing Act laws at a high rise apartment building. Support included a building inspection, a written report to respond to the complaint and the Plaintiff’s expert report, and decisions regarding which defendant was responsible for individual discrepancies in the complaint. Results are pending.
Plaintiff support regarding access to a retail public restaurant. The Plaintiff, who uses a wheel chair, was denied access to the restaurant due to the wheel chair and limited seating in the restaurant. Services included a preliminary informal inspection of the restaurant and parking during a normal lunch period, and a recommendation regarding possible discrepancies beyond the limited access. Results are pending.