ADA Inspections Nationwide, LLC

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Sample Aging-in-Place Residential Inspection Report


Aging in Place (AIP) design principles focus on barrier-free accessibility for residential properties (homes, apartments, condos and town houses) similar to how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design focuses on barrier-free accessibility for commercial buildings.

As a CAPS consultant, Richard Acree offers AIP services for building inspections, home modification planning, and project installation monitor. The building inspection results in a Property Condition Report (PCR), from which the plan is built. For a sample of a CAPS PCR, please click on Sample CAPS Report.

If you observe a commercial or government building or stadium that is not ADA compliant and you would like to know how to proceed, please see the link at What To Do When A Building Is Not ADA Compliant or Accessible.

ADA Inspections Nationwide, LLC, offers ADA/ABA/FHA accessibility compliance inspections for buildings and facilities, as applicable to the different laws, and expert witness services with respect to ADA/ABA/FHA laws for building owners, tenants and managers. Also, ADAIN offers consulting for home modifications as a CAPS consultant for people wishing to age in place in their homes. For a complete list of services please see ADAIN Services.

Thank you.