The name of this company is ADA Inspections Nationwide, LLC
The name of this company is ADA Inspections Nationwide, LLC
Tier II ADA Inspections
This Tier II survey/inspection is an abbreviated (limited) accessibility survey subject to representative sampling, in accordance with modified protocol in ASTM E 2018, referencing the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, Title II for State and Local Government Facilities, Title III for Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities, excluding fire/smoke alarm systems, assistive listening systems, and emergency light systems.
The scope of this survey is limited to the following areas: building history, parking, ramps, entrances/exits, paths of travel, elevators, public toilet rooms, and ADA compliant guest rooms. The inspector takes appropriate measurements and counts to complete a checklist for Tier II surveys.
This inspection service is available for almost all facilities open to the public including restaurants, bars, office buildings, nurseries, schools, universities, gas stations, retail buildings, grocery store, shopping center, laundromat, bank, barber shop, beauty salon, automotive repair shop, library, election voting poll site, fishing piers, miniature golf facilities, zoo, club houses, movie theaters, concert halls, museums, auditorium, convention center, doctor’s offices, day care facilities, factories, warehouses, hotels/motels/inns, gymnasium, bowling alley, sports venue, and more.
This survey does not have the depth, scope or detailed measurements and counts required to comply with a Tier III, Full Accessibility survey. The results of the survey may be provided in either a checklist or narrative report format, or both. This survey can be completed before or after a property installation or alteration.
These services do not compare the installation to local, state, or national building codes. For a copy of Richard’s resume please see Richard Acree.