Covid-19 Nursing Home Data
Covid 19 Nursing Home Data is available to the public at the Nursing Home COVID-19 Public File (Covid 19 File). The Covid 19 File includes data reported by nursing homes to the CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) system COVID-19 Long Term Care Facility Module, including Resident Impact, Facility Capacity, Staff & Personnel, and Supplies & Personal Protective Equipment, and Ventilator Capacity and Supplies Data Elements.
The Covid 19 File shows which states have the highest death counts from Covid 19 per thousand residents in nursing homes. Recent reports indicate the highest death counts are in New Jersey, Maine, and Connnecticut. The states with the lowest death counts from Covid 19 per thousand residents in nursing homes are Wyoming, Montana, and Hawaii.
Noteworthy in an Associated Press article from Nashville Fox News about this source of data is that nursing homes are only required to provide the government with data on coronavirus cases and deaths among residents and staff as of May 8, 2020, or more than two months after the first outbreak in a U.S. facility was reported. Nursing homes have the option of full disclosure, but not all have taken it, and there is no penalty for withholding older data that may reflect poorly. Consumers can approach nursing homes directly for additional data going back to periods before May 8.