ADA Accessible Clear Floor Space and Reach Ranges at Sinks
Some information provided by the US Access Board
Accessible Sink and Counter Installation
Clear Floor Space for sinks in Title II and Title III facilities is covered under Sections §606.2 and §305 of the 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design. Reach ranges in general are covered in §308. The photo on the right is representative of an accessible sink installation in a toilet room.
Clear Floor Space
2010 ADA Standard 606.2, [Lavatories and Sinks] Clear Floor Space, states, “A clear floor space complying with [Standard] 305, positioned for a forward approach, and knee and toe clearance complying with [Standard] 306 shall be provided.”
Plan View of Clear Floor Space at a Sink
2010 ADA Standard 305.3, [Floor and Ground Surfaces, Clear Floor Ground Space] Size, states, “The clear floor or ground space shall be 30 inches (760 mm) minimum by 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum. The graphic on the right is representative of a clear floor or ground space at a sink with a forward approach. 2010 ADA Standard 305.2, [Clear Floor Ground Space] Floor or Ground Surfaces, states, “Floor or ground surfaces of a clear floor or ground space shall comply with [Standard] 302. Changes in level are not permitted. EXCEPTION: Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted.” In other words, the clear floor or ground space must be at least 30X48 inches in size and mostly level. Standard 302 basically requires floor and ground surfaces to be stable, firm, and slip resistant.
As stated above in 2010 ADA Standard 606.2, a clear floor space at lavatories and most sinks must provide a forward approach and include knee and toe space clearance. It is advisable, but not required, that the clear floor space be centered under the fixture. The knee and toe space must underlie the bowl, faucet controls, and other operable parts of the fixture and must be 17 inches to 25 inches deep. The graphic below shows a sink that is 17-25 inches deep with a plan view of the clear space below the sink.
Sink that is 17-25 Inches Deep with a Clear Space Below the Sink
If the clear floor space is obstructed on both sides for more than half the depth (24 inches), such as with alcoves, additional clearance is required for maneuvering. 2010 ADA Standard 305.7.1, [Maneuvering Clearance] Forward Approach, states, “Alcoves shall be 36 inches (915 mm) wide minimum where the depth exceeds 24 inches (610 mm).” The graphic below is representative of a sink installed in an alcove that is greater than 24 inches deep.
Clear Space for a Sink Installed in an Alcove With Depth Greater Than 24 Inches
Knee and Toe Clearances
Knee and toe clearance is required within the clear space below a sink that has a forward approach. 2010 ADA Standard 306.1 [Knee and Toe Clearance] General, states, “Where space beneath an element is included as part of clear floor or ground space or turning space, the space shall comply with [Standard] 306. Additional space shall not be prohibited beneath an element but shall not be considered as part of the clear floor or ground space or turning space.”
Clear Space Below a Sink as a Volume
In other words, knee and toe space below a sink with a forward approach must be at least 30 inches wide and 17 to 25 inches deep from the leading edge of the clear floor space. The graphic on the right is representative of knee and toe space below a sink. This space can be thought of as a volume made up of length, width, and height measurements. These specified clearances allow space for plumbing, enclosures, and supports outside the minimum clearances. No object may protrude into the required clearances other than the dip of the sink overflow [§606.2, Exception 6]. The graphic below is representative of the dip of the overflow.
Dip of the Sink Overflow
Clearances are measured in relation to the usable clear floor space, not necessarily to the vertical support for an element. When determining clearance under an object for required turning or maneuvering space, care should be taken to ensure the space is clear of any obstructions. No element, including towel dispensers, hand dryers, etc., can overlap the clear floor space outside the designated knee and toe space. The graphic below is a plan view of a sink with a towel dispenser mounted on the adjacent wall.
Plan View of a Sink with a Towel Dispenser Mounted on the Adjacent Wall
Knee and Toe Space Dimensions
The dimensions for knee and toe space are shown in the graphic on the right. Note that beyond a depth of 8 inches measured from the approach side, the 27 inches minimum high knee clearance can reduce 18 inches to a height of 9 inches minimum (toe space) over a 3 inches span (6:1 slope). When the knee and toe space is deeper than 17 inches, the additional depth must provide full knee clearance at least 27 inches high. See the graphic below.
Knee and Toe Space with Additional Depth
Accessible Reach Range Limits Applied at a Sink
Forward Reach Extends to the Toes
Reach ranges in general are covered in 2010 ADA Standard 308. The knee and toe space for a sink with a forward approach must be as deep as the required reach to faucet controls, soap dispensers, and other operable parts. This requirement is necessary because the forward reach for most people typically does not extend beyond the toes. The graphic on the right is representative. Open space beyond the required toe clearance is permitted.
For sink installations with a depth of 20 inches or less, the maximum height of an element above the floor, such as a soap or towel dispenser, is 48 inches. The graphic below is representative.
Reach Range Limited to Height of 48 Inches Over Sink/Counter with Depth 20 Inches or Less
The maximum reach height of 48 inches is reduced to 44 inches when the depth of the forward reach over an obstruction, such as a sink or counter, exceeds 20 inches. The sink/counter assembly should not exceed 25 inches from the wall. The graphic below is representative.
Reach Range Limited to Height of 44 Inches Over Sink/Counter with Depth Greater Than 20 Inches
Elongated Sink/Lavatory