The name of this company is ADA Inspections Nationwide, LLC
The name of this company is ADA Inspections Nationwide, LLC
Interesting articles about ADA, FHA, and ABA compliance inspections by ADA Inspections Nationwide, LLC.
12 Things Disabled People Want Their Nondisabled Friends To Know
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Source: Huffpost
In an article byKelsey Borresen at Huffpost disabled people were asked to share what they wish the nondisabled people in their lives knew or understood. From that came a list of 12 things disabled people want their non-disabled friends to know, and the following quote.
“If you want to be a better friend to people with disabilities, start by listening to what they have to say.”
And here are the 12 things they said they want you to know:
1. Being disabled isn’t a bad thing — what’s bad is the way people treat me.
2. “Disabled” isn’t a bad word, so don’t be afraid to say it.
3. Don’t exclude me from plans just because you think I won’t be able to participate.
4. But give me some grace if I end up needing to cancel.
5. I don’t need your quick fix (and I’ve probably heard it before).
6. It’s OK to laugh sometimes.
7. There’s more to me than just my disability.
8. Telling me I’m “inspirational” for just living my life isn’t a compliment.
9. Speak about me to other people like you would your other friends.
10. It’s OK to ask if I need help ― but don’t just take over.
11. Saying you wouldn’t date a disabled person is offensive and ableist.
12. A positive attitude isn’t going to ‘fix’ my disability.