What's Wrong with This Photo - Parking - 3/27/23
ADA Parking at Law Offices in Blufton SC
Please look at the photo on the right. What you are looking at is an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible parking space and access aisle in a office mall in Blufton, SC. In the background are offices including some for law firms. What’s wrong?
HINT: Access aisles must be level.
Look at the access aisle on the right. Every accessible parking space should have an access aisle that is mostly level and at the same elevation as the accessible parking space. The photo below is a closeup of the access aisle. At the far end is a curb ramp that projects into the access aisle and connects to the sidewalk that leads to the offices for the law firms. The run slope of the curb ramp exceeds 5%.
Access aisle with curb ramp extending into the aisle.