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Interesting articles about ADA, FHA, and ABA compliance inspections by ADA Inspections Nationwide, LLC.

Ability Cuts All-Abilities Hair Salon Opens in Brentwood TN

The Ability Cuts all-abilities hair salon has opened in Brentwood, TN! In an article posted on News Channel 5 in Nashville, TN, by Seena Sleem, Elizabeth Cervantes recently opened Ability Cuts in Brentwood, as a salon that focuses on clients with special needs. Cervantes said she was inspired by her brother, Levi, who has sensory needs. She's always felt protective of him since the day he was born.

Growing up, one memory that always stayed with Cervantes was when Levi would go to the salon for a haircut. Cervantes said, "It would make me upset because no one would take the time to allow him do things he wants to do and I would feel awkward, like they wanted us out the door." Cervantes explained that it was important for her to find a way to use her passion to make others feel accepted. Cervantes says her biggest thing is making sure all people of all abilities feel special.

Want to book an appointment? Click here! Ability Cuts is located at 1731 Mallory Lane, Brentwood, TN 37027. Telephone is 615-944-1888.

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