Passenger Drop Off on Exterior Route at FL Restaurant
Exterior Accessible Ramp to Restaurant Entrance in FL
Look at the photo on the right. This is an exterior pedestrian ramp route to a restaurant in Florida. Note the International Symbol of Accessibility (ISA) on the landing at the base of the ramp to the accessible entrance. The ISA is not required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction (FACBC), but it is here none the less. Also, there is a sign at the landing indicating this is the route for disabled individuals to reach the accessible entrance. Again not required by the ADA or FACBC. This is an example of an entity going beyond the ADA and doing more than is required by the ADA. Remember, the ADA is the minimum accessibility requirement. Going beyond the ADA is encouraged.
The photo below shows a close up of the sign that says “Drop Off Area” below the ISA on the sign. Again, not required by the ADA or FACBC but an example of an entity going beyond the minimum requirements. Now, it is important that the entity not go too far with this because a drop off area could be confused with a passenger loading zone. Passenger loading zones are covered in the 1991 ADA Standards, the 2010 ADA Standards, and the FACBC.
Passenger Drop Off Area at a Restaurant in Florida
2010 ADA Standard 503.2, [Passenger Loading Zone] Vehicle Pull-Up Space, states, “Passenger loading zones shall provide a vehicular pull-up space 96 inches (2440 mm) wide minimum and 20 feet (6100 mm) long minimum. “
2010 ADA Standard 503.3, [Passenger Loading Zone] Access Aisle, states, “Passenger loading zones shall provide access aisles complying with 503 adjacent to the vehicle pull-up space. Access aisles shall adjoin an accessible route and shall not overlap the vehicular way.”
2010 ADA Standard 503.3.1, [Passenger Loading Zone, Access Aisle] Width, states, “Access aisles serving vehicle pull-up spaces shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) wide minimum.”
2010 ADA Standard 503.3.2, [Passenger Loading Zone, Access Aisle] Length, states, “Access aisles shall extend the full length of the vehicle pull-up spaces they serve.”
2010 ADA Standard 503.3.3, [Passenger Loading Zone, Access Aisle] Marking, states, “Access aisles shall be marked so as to discourage parking in them.” The graphic below is representative of an accessible passenger loading zone.
Schematic of Passenger Loading Zone