Question 3 About the Fair Housing Act - Safe Harbors
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The following question and answer are provided by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.
What are the 15 “safe harbors” for compliance with the Fair Housing Act and where can I find them?
HUD recognizes 15 safe harbors to meet FHA regulations to provide a range of options that—if followed in their entirety without modification or waiver—will keep residential buildings compliant with the FHA. The new safe harbors are generally aligned with the current codes (minus any local amendments to the IBC), which may make it less complicated by limiting the layers of the requirements. They are:
HUD Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines published on March 6, 1991 and the Supplemental Notice to Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines: Questions and Answers about the Guidelines, published on June 28, 1994.
HUD Fair Housing Act Design Manual
ANSI A117.1 (1986), used with the Fair Housing Act, HUD's regulations, and the Guidelines.
CABO/ANSI A117.1 (1992), used with the Fair Housing Act, HUD's regulations, and the Guidelines.
ICC/ANSI A117.1 (1998), used with the Fair Housing Act, HUD's regulations, and the Guidelines.
Code Requirements for Housing Accessibility 2000 (CRHA).
International Building Code 2000 as amended by the 2001 Supplement to the International Codes.
International Building Code 2003, with one condition*.
ICC/ANSI A117.1 - 2003 (Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities)
2006 International Building Code® (loose leaf)
A117.1-2009 used with the Fair Housing Act, HUD’s regulations, and the Guidelines.
International Building Code 2009
International Building Code 2012
International Building Code 2015
International Building Code 2018