Accessible Picnic Table Installations at US Forest Service Facilities
Information reproduced from the USDA Accessibility Guidebook for Outdoor Recreation and Trails.
All new picnic table installations at US Forest Service facilities must comply with requirements for accessible seating spaces, table clearance, slope, and surface in Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines (FSORAG). This is true whether the table is in a campground, picnic area, or other recreation site. Picnic tables in each of these types of recreation sites must be connected to the other major constructed features at the recreation area. If the picnic tables are provided on trails, ensure the routes connecting them to any other major constructed features in the area comply with the technical requirements for trails. The photo above is representative of a picnic table installation.
The number of wheelchair seating spaces that must be provided at each table is based on the length of the picnic table. Always ensure at least one wheelchair seating space. For larger tables, one wheelchair seating space is required for each 24 linear feet (7.32 meters) of usable space around the perimeter of the table. Practically speaking, tables up to 9 feet (2.74 meters) long usually require one accessible wheelchair space. Tables between 10 feet (3.05 meters) and 20 feet (6 meters) long usually require two accessible wheelchair spaces and four accessible spaces are usually required for tables that are 40 feet (12 meters) long. The graphic below is for a table 10 to 18 feet in length where at least two spaces must be accessible.
Two Accessible Seating Spaces at Picnic Table 10-18 Feet in Length
Knee space for wheelchair seating must be at least 30 inches (760 millimeters) wide, 19 inches (485 millimeters) deep, and 27 inches (685 millimeters) high, as measured from the ground or floor to the bottom of the tabletop. Toe clearance of at least 9 inches (230 millimeters) above the ground or floor must extend at least an additional 5 inches (25 millimeters) beyond the required knee clearance. See the graphic below for required knee and toe space.
Picnic Table Knee and Toe Clearance Requirements
Toe clearance is required to ensure that someone in a wheelchair is able to sit close to the tabletop, regardless of the design of the picnic table.
A clear floor or ground space that is 30 inches by 48 inches (760 millimeters by 1,220 millimeters) at each wheelchair seating space, positioned to accommodate a forward approach to the table, is required. See the graphic below. No exceptions to the accessible wheelchair seating space requirements are permitted.
Clear Space at Picnic Table Accessible Seating
As shown in the graphic above, in addition to the clear floor or ground space for each wheelchair seating space, provide a 48-inch (1,220-millimeter) clear floor or ground space around the usable portions of the table. Measure table clearance from the table seat out. You may reduce the table clear space to 36 inches (915 millimeters) if there is a condition for an exception.
The slope of the required clear floor or ground space for wheelchair seating spaces and for table clearance is not allowed to exceed 1:48 (2 percent) in any direction. Slopes not steeper than 1:33 (3 percent) are permitted, however, where necessary for drainage on surfaces that are unpaved or not built with boards. The surface of the clear floor or ground space must be firm and stable. The type of surfacing used should be appropriate to the setting and level of development.
There is no height requirement in FSORAG specifically for the table top surface of a picnic table or the top of the table benches; however, Architectural Barriers Act 9ABA) Accessibility Standards require that tops of fixed dining surfaces be 28 inches (710 millimeters) to 34 inches (865 millimeters) above the finished floor or ground. Generally speaking, installing picnic table with tops approximately 33-34 inches above the ground or walking surface and benches with seating surfaces approximately 18-19 inches above the ground or walking surface will provide reasonable accommodations for compliance with barrier removal and accessibility.
SUMMARY: All new picnic table installations at US Forest Service facilities must comply with requirements for accessible seating spaces, table clearance, slope, and surface in FSORAG. The number of wheelchair seating spaces that must be provided at each table is based on the length of the picnic table measured at the perimeter. Installing picnic table with tops approximately 33-34 inches and benches with seating surfaces approximately 18-19 inches above the ground or walking surface will provide reasonable accommodations for compliance with barrier removal and accessibility.