ADA Inspections Nationwide, LLC
The name of this company is ADA Inspections Nationwide, LLC
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Interesting articles about ADA, FHA, and ABA compliance inspections by ADA Inspections Nationwide, LLC.

Posts tagged Apartment ADA Lawsuit
Does an Older Apartment Building Have to Comply with the FHA?

The Fair Housing Act does not require any renovations to existing apartment buildings. If an alteration, renovation or addition to an apartment building resulted in a building permit being issued by a state, county, or local government after June 15, 1990, then that alteration, renovation or addition likely resulted in new construction, which would fall under the FHA.

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Protruding Objects in Office Buildings, Apartment Buildings, and Condominiums

Protruding objects are installations in a facility that project more than 4 inches from a wall or hang within 80 inches of the finished floor or ground. If you suspect a violation of the rules for accessibility in an office building, apartment building, or condominium please call Richard at 615-752-0060 to discuss.

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