Tufts Medical Center Sued under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
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Tufts Medical Center (TMC) is the principal teaching hospital of Tufts University School of Medicine. On 2/28/2020 the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and TMC entered into a settlement agreement to ensure equal access for individuals with disabilities at Tufts’ facilities in Boston, Massachusetts. The agreement resolves a compliance review under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
The TMC campus is comprised of sixteen buildings owned or leased by TMC in Boston, Massachusetts, and a parking garage jointly owned by TMC and Tufts University. The DOJ surveyed a representative selection of TMC’s facilities and provided a report to TMC that identified architectural barriers to access and changes it contends are required to bring TMC into compliance with the ADA.
Under the agreement, Tufts will:
improve the hospital’s policies, practices, and procedures for ensuring effective communication with patients and companions who are deaf or hard of hearing
provide qualified interpreters for patients and companions, as required
provide video remote interpreting as required
ensure that at least 5% of the parking spaces at the parking garage are accessible
improve physical access to its facilities by removing barriers at public and common use areas
provide one or more accessible patient rooms for each medical service
and provide sufficient accessible medical equipment to enable individuals with disabilities to have equal access to medical services.
designate an “ADA Compliance Officer” who will have the primary authority and responsibility for ensuring that TMC complies with all terms of this Agreement and of the ADA
designate the ADA Compliance Officer or an appropriate designee to be the Effective Communication Coordinator
display, in a prominent location on its website, information to assist individuals with disabilities, their families and companions
post on its intranet detailed contact information for how Hospital Personnel, who are providing services to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, may contact the Effective Communication Coordinator, or for other disability related issues, the ADA Coordinator
provide training to all hospital personnel and active members of the Hospital Medical Staff who have contact with patients as to TMC’s obligations under this Agreement and the ADA
provide the United States with a detailed final written report, including digital photographs, architectural drawings, and copies of policies and procedures, that demonstrates compliance with the provisions of this Agreement